Following its merger, the Fnac Darty group is building its new common corporate culture with Supermood.
Make your merger and acquisition a success
Measure in real time the impact of your change management on your teams and optimize your transformation management.
Request demoThe key to success: employee buy-in
Commit to the long term
The managerial challenge of a merger-acquisition: getting employees on board for a new common culture that engages everyone over the long term.
Understand the stages of transition
To create a collective dynamic of adhesion to the change, understand step by step the effects of this transition on managers and employees.
Ensure team engagement
Take the temperature before the announcement, follow up on restructuring, regularly measure the impact of the changes communicated, etc. Ensure the commitment of your teams in all circumstances.
These companies are driving their transformation with Supermood
“For Fnac Darty, Supermood is one of the first common tools to create a common culture. In retrospect, if we had had Supermood during the merger of Fnac and Darty, we would have been more agile in our change management plan.”
“Supermood allows us to quickly see the strengths and areas for improvement in our organizations, allowing us to make quick adjustments and anticipate action plans where necessary.”
“The interest of Supermood is to be able to bring up a certain number of subjects, and from there, identify areas for progress that we will transform into action plans.”
Unite your teams around a new common culture
Involve your employees in your transition
- Quick polls
- + 350 questions available
- Mobile version
- + 150 languages available
- Employee buy-in is essential to the successful completion of your merger and acquisition.
- Engage them via our employee feedback solution and regularly listen to their feelings about the change management you are conducting.
Strengthen your social dialogue with objective data
- Customizable attributes
- Team alert
- Keyword alert
- Heat map
- Employee feedback is anonymized and aggregated on our HR analytics platform as objective data.
- Detect weak signals and the dynamics of your teams' commitment with granularity.
- Conduct your social dialogue with peace of mind, in spite of the rumors that are typical of transition phases.
“ Supermood is a tool for social dialogue that no longer revolves solely around elected officials or managers. It is a renewed third voice, in direct expression and without filter. ”
Implement a single transition tracking indicator
- Participation rate
- Heat map
- Alert by team
- Excel and PPTX export
- Track the eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score), the unique managerial performance KPI for employee engagement.
- Your management committee, HR teams and managers can evaluate in real time and continuously the level of adhesion of your teams during a transition period.
- See which people are ambassadors, which are reluctant to change, and which are priority management issues. Adjust your HR transformation management and control your change management.
Create an agile and innovative common culture
- Thematic questionnaires
- Recommendation database
- Vote for favorite stocks
- SuperLike
- Make strategic and bold decisions based on feedback from your teams.
- Adapt your internal communication and your support for employees and managers to maximize the support for your merger.
Industry leaders transform themselves with Supermood
Discover how these companies are optimizing their employee experience
Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine (CANS) involves its employees in the success of their transformation plans.
The Barrière Group is mobilizing its teams and Supermood to achieve its transformation.